Freelancer Packages

Choose the best priceing that suites your organizations requirements


Go Prime, Best for the individuals


  • 7 Project Credits
  • 5 Allowed Services
  • 30 Days visibility
  • 1 Featured Services
  • 14 Days Featured visibility
  • 1 Bump Up Service
  • 30 Days Package Expiry
  • Profile Featured:


Discovering the best opportunities for new talent!


  • 15 Project Credits
  • 10 Allowed Services
  • 30 Days visibility
  • 3 Featured Services
  • 14 Days Featured visibility
  • 5 Bump Up Service
  • 30 Days Package Expiry
  • Profile Featured:


Boost your potential and earn more !


  • 30 Project Credits
  • 30 Allowed Services
  • 30 Days visibility
  • 10 Featured Services
  • 14 Days Featured visibility
  • 30 Bump Up Service
  • 30 Days Package Expiry
  • Profile Featured:

The Unlimita

Drive crazy, unlimited on the go


  • Unlimited Project Credits
  • Unlimited Services
  • 30 Days visibility
  • 30 Featured Services
  • 14 Days Featured visibility
  • Unlimited Bump Up Services
  • 30 Days Package Expiry
  • Profile Featured: